How I Overcame My Anger Issues

Marium Rizvi
3 min readJun 26, 2024

“When anger arises, think of the consequences.”

Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

Whatever begins in anger, ends in shame — Benjamin Franklin

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Anger is an extreme emotion we all struggle with once in a lifetime. Some people are naturally calm and some take time to understand and handle their feelings. Anger can destroy your career, and love life and create problems between you and your family.

When I learned to control my anger in situations where I used to be triggered easily — I realized one thing showing anger made me look weak. Being calm in situations where others are not expecting it is the most powerful reaction you can ever give.

Don’t ever let them control your reaction.

I worked on learning the right strategies to overcome my anger issues. One thing I would suggest is to take time before giving a reaction and be calm when you know you’re being provoked.

Take a deep breath and calmly deal with the situation. Anger blurs your vision which affects your decision making.

If you have extreme anger issues then find healthy activities where you can release all the anger. Some people write their aggressive…

