Love Without Expectations

Marium Rizvi
4 min readJun 25, 2024

How does love feel without expectations?

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, or negotiations, we are indeed in heaven ― Rumi

If you’re not a medium member, you can read the story here.

Love is a pure and powerful feeling that can transform our lives in many ways. It can nurture, heal, and make our lives happier.

But there’s one thing that comes with love — it’s expectations. When we fall in love, we start expecting things in return whether this love is for family, spouse, or friends. These expectations could be anything like appreciation, praise, materialistic things, or affection.

When I was in my teenage years, I expected a lot from people in return. But the more I expected from people, the more I got hurt in return. With these experiences, I realized that expectations always lead you to heartbreak.

Have you ever noticed when we love someone unconditionally our neurotransmitters generate feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and well-being? But when we start expecting things from them as a reward and they don’t fulfill them, a feeling of dissatisfaction and disappointment arises.

