“Signs of Possessiveness In a Man and How to Cope”

Marium Rizvi
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Read more if you feel like you are with a possessive man

Photo by Pexels on https://pixabay.com/photos/couple-viewpoint-city-city-view-1845108/

Jealousy can be seen as care or love but these two are completely different things. Love is a positive emotion and jealousy is a negative one.

Some women see possessiveness as a sign of love. There is a difference between your man being too over possessive that it starts to suffocate your life and the normal possessiveness that every couple experiences in a relationship.

An over possessive man can make a relationship stressful and toxic.

These are some signs of a possessive man:

1) Isolation

Is your man stopping you from meeting your family and friends?

Does he say bad things about your close ones to make you hate them?

If it’s a yes then it’s a sign he is trying to isolate you and cut you off from your close ones to keep you dependent on him completely.

2) Constant Stalking

Is he continuously asking for your location and social media passwords to keep a check on you?

If he is doing this then it’s a sign he has trust issues, maybe related to his past or because of something that happened between you two.

But his continuous stalking can make your life miserable.

3) Jealousy

A bit of jealousy is understandable in a relationship but if someone is overly jealous in the relationship this is a big no.

If he exhibits jealousy when you are hanging out with friends or family or even some of your colleagues this is not healthy and shows a lack of trust.

4) Privacy Invasion

If your man is opening your social media accounts or emails without your permission is a sign that he doesn’t respect your boundaries.

It indicates that he doesn’t trust you anymore and he thinks that you hide things from him which leads him to assume unnecessary scenarios and creates conflict.

You feel like they are undermining your right to freedom and privacy. This causes you to feel powerless and stuck in the relationship.

Eventually, it’s converted into anxiety and distress.

5) Gets Angry Quickly

If he gets angry or moody quickly whenever things don’t go according to his plan then it might be a sign of possessiveness.

This anger is used to intimidate you and manipulate you.

When he responds this way, this leads a conversation toward conflict thus making you feel like you must follow his directions to avoid conflict.

This kind of behavior is intended to dominate and can make one feel helpless, useless, and unable to make an independent decision.

Coping Strategies to Deal With A Possessive Man

There are sone coping strategies that you can follow to deal with a possessive man –

Set boundaries with your man and let him know that you won’t tolerate this behavior. Tell him specifically about the behaviors calmly that annoy you and makes you feel uncomfortable in the relationship.

  • Communication is key to building a strong relationship. Start expressing your emotions and let him know that constant stalking and checking stresses you out and leads the relationship towards stress and unnecessary drama.
  • Start encouraging trust in your relationship and assure him of your commitment so he doesn’t assume things.
  • Never stop pursuing your passions and hobbies because they are important for your mental health and self esteem.
  • Evaluate if you two are willing to make an effort in the relationship. Lack of trust can mean several things and sometimes it’s obvious that a person is jealous for reasons that will not be easily fixed.
  • Seek professional assistance if his possessiveness results in emotional or physical abuse. Speak with a counselor or therapist who focuses on relationship problems. They can provide coping mechanisms and encouragement.

I hope you like the article, share your experiences if you have been through the same experience in a relationship and suggest people healthy ways to cope with it.

